Call for Appli­ca­ti­on Inter­na­tio­nal Alum­ni Work­shop #HackY­our­Dis­trict

#HackY­our­Dis­trict: Digi­tal Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for Zero Car­bon and Inclu­si­ve Cities

taking place in Ber­lin from 5th to 9th Decem­ber 2022.

About the workshop 

The work­shop #HackY­our­Dis­trict fos­ters the mee­ting and exch­an­ge of prac­ti­ces in zero-emis­si­on and social inclu­si­ve dis­trict plan­ning. Based on expe­ri­en­ces in Euro­pe and Tai­wan, we intend to faci­li­ta­te the exch­an­ge of know­ledge and les­sons lear­ned from digi­tal tools (apps, plat­forms, open data and open soft­ware) that enable city-makers to initia­te impacts. During one-week work­shops, which will take place from 5th until 9th Decem­ber 2022 in Ber­lin and from 4th until 8th Decem­ber 2023 in Tai­pei, alum­ni will joint­ly deve­lop ide­as and tools that they will later feed into their work. We invi­te you to share your latest ide­as and pro­jects and exch­an­ge know­ledge on digi­tal city-making. 

Dead­line for sub­mis­si­ons: 15 July 2022 

The work­shop will be held at the EUREF Cam­pus and at TU Ber­lin. The work­shop lan­guage is English.