Suc­cessful M2G (hybrid) Sym­po­si­um in Kyoto 

For the first time, the M2G team con­duc­ted the annu­al sym­po­si­um as a hybrid vari­ant in Kyo­to (Japan) on the topic of “Mobility2Grid: Elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of public trans­por­ta­ti­on in Japan and Ger­ma­ny — Tran­si­ti­on Pro­cess, Impacts and Risks”, tog­e­ther with partners from Kyo­to Uni­ver­si­ty under the lead of Prof. Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmöcker’s Intel­li­gent Trans­port Sys­tem Lab. The scientific exch­an­ge was then con­tin­ued in an in-depth work­shop with col­le­agues from the Lab, having a the­ma­tic focus on bus simu­la­ti­ons, TCO ana­ly­ses and an intro­duc­tion to sce­na­rio techniques.

By inte­gra­ting scientific rese­arch in com­bi­na­ti­on with prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence from public trans­port com­pa­nies (BVG in Ber­lin / Kei­han in Kyo­to-Osa­ka), we were able to suc­cessful­ly demons­tra­te the poten­ti­als and chal­lenges of elec­tri­fied public trans­port in Ger­ma­ny and Japan. Public trans­por­ta­ti­on con­tri­bu­tes to green­house gas emis­si­ons, but to a much les­ser ext­ent than pri­va­te trans­port. Com­pared to a car, which emits 147 grams of CO2 per pas­sen­ger kilo­me­ter, buses in Ger­ma­ny emit 80 grams on avera­ge, trams and sub­way trains 58 grams and long-distance trains 32 grams of CO2 per pas­sen­ger kilo­me­ter (Ger­man Envi­ron­ment Agen­cy (Umwelt­bun­des­amt — UBA), 2024). Despi­te having a bet­ter CO2 per­for­mance than pri­va­te moto­ri­zed trans­port, buses and trains powered by die­sel or petrol also pro­du­ce nitro­gen oxi­des, par­ti­cu­la­tes and noise.

Both Japan and Ger­ma­ny are working on tech­ni­cal, plan­ning and poli­ti­cal approa­ches to fur­ther decar­bo­ni­ze public trans­port. Our Ger­man-Japa­ne­se col­lo­qui­um, which was held from the 7th-9th May 2024 at the renow­ned Kyo­to Uni­ver­si­ty, shed light on both sides and deve­lo­ped initi­al stra­te­gies on how both count­ries can fur­ther coope­ra­te and com­ple­ment each other on a scientific-prac­ti­cal level.

Our dis­cus­sions and know­ledge exch­an­ge will make a major con­tri­bu­ti­on to advan­cing the com­mon goals towards sus­tainable and effi­ci­ent public trans­port sys­tems. Tog­e­ther with our partners in Kyo­to and Nago­ya, we will con­ti­nue to deepen the exch­an­ge on topics rela­ted to the elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of buses and micro mobi­li­ty.
All pre­sen­ta­ti­ons of our sym­po­si­um can be found here.