New review paper on auto­ma­ted char­ging tech­no­lo­gies for hea­vy-duty vehic­les published

Pro­gress in the field of auto­no­mous char­ging: The depart­ment Metho­den der Pro­dukt­ent­wick­lung und Mecha­tro­nik at the Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin has published a paper which ana­ly­zes dif­fe­rent auto­ma­ted char­ging tech­no­lo­gies for hea­vy-duty vehic­les by eva­lua­ting their poten­ti­als, advan­ta­ges, chal­lenges as well as tech­no­lo­gi­cal matu­ri­ty. The publi­ca­ti­on ful­fills mile­stone M8 of the rese­arch campus.

The paper entit­led “Review and Eva­lua­ti­on of Auto­ma­ted Char­ging Tech­no­lo­gies for Hea­vy-Duty Vehic­les” is also the cover sto­ry of the latest issue of the World Elec­tric Vehic­le Jour­nal (Link) and is acces­si­ble using the fol­lo­wing link:–6653/15/6/235