Fede­ral For­eign Office Visits the EUREF-Campus

How can the elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of trans­por­ta­ti­on suc­ceed, and what con­tri­bu­ti­on does it make to the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on? We are hap­py to pre­sent the­se topics to our guests in the Zeemo­ba­se. Last week, 70 atta­chés from the Fede­ral For­eign Office visi­ted the EUREF-Cam­pus and M2G.

After a wel­co­me by Karin Teich­mann, the spo­kesper­son for the EUREF board, they gai­ned fasci­na­ting insights into the work of the rese­arch cam­pus. Dr. Kris­ti­na Bog­nar, Vice Chair of Mobility2Grid e.V. and an employee at Schnei­der Elec­tric, spo­ke about the importance of rese­arch within the M2G frame­work. Nina Weber and Fran­zis­ka Kai­ser, the two mana­ging direc­tors of M2G, also infor­med the guests about ongo­ing pro­jects at the EUREF-Cam­pus in Berlin.