Forschungsprojekt E-Bus 2030+

Paths to the com­ple­te elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of Berlin’s bus fleets

Forschungsprojekt E-Bus 2030+
(CC BY-SA) Lud­ger Heide

By 2030, the enti­re bus fleet of the Ber­lin Trans­port Aut­ho­ri­ty (BVG) is to be elec­tric and local­ly emis­si­on-free. The dif­fe­rent vehic­le types and char­ging tech­no­lo­gies result in com­plex requi­re­ments for this pro­ject: From the pro­cu­re­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the vehic­les to the ope­ra­tio­nal plan­ning, the elec­tric bus sys­tem must be stra­te­gi­cal­ly thought through and adapt­ed to the urban con­di­ti­ons of Ber­lin. With the help of sce­na­rio tech­no­lo­gy and detail­ed simu­la­ti­ons, the depen­den­ci­es of tech­no­lo­gy, line ope­ra­ti­on and depot with the use of rene­wa­ble ener­gies are being con­side­red and opti­mi­sed in the E‑bus 2030+ rese­arch pro­ject. Soft­ware tools like eFLIPS ori­gi­na­ting from the first fun­ding pha­se of Mobility2Grid are in use here. The Fede­ral Minis­try of Digi­tal Affairs and Trans­port is fun­ding the “E‑Bus 2030+” pro­ject with a total of 1.38 mil­li­on euros:

Dr.-Ing. Enri­co Lauth, head of work packa­ge 2 “Auto­ma­ted Dri­ving and Char­ging” in the Mobility2Grid rese­arch cam­pus, is respon­si­ble for syn­er­gies with Mobility2Grid in terms of content.