M2G transfer area ring­ber­lin turns into new model cam­pus: Maker space for inno­va­ti­on, sci­ence and eco­no­my emerges

At this stage, ring­ber­lin is a transfer area in the rese­arch pro­ject mobility2grid with TU Ber­lin and HTW Ber­lin among others, to deve­lop approa­ches for an intel­li­gent com­bi­na­ti­on of mobi­li­ty and ener­gy.
Also for Fran­zis­ka Gif­fey, the Mayor Sena­tor for Eco­no­mic Affairs, Ener­gy and Public Enter­pri­ses, the pro­ject is an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to the eco­no­mic and sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment of Ber­lin: “Ber­lin is the ger­man capi­tal city for start­ups and one of the most popu­lar metro­po­lis for foun­ders world­wi­de. We want to remain that way and that is why we con­stant­ly impro­ve the con­di­ti­ons for start­ups. Young com­pa­nies urgen­tly need spaces and places like this new cam­pus that sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly brings tog­e­ther sci­ence and eco­no­my and pro­vi­des the neces­sa­ry space to deve­lop und imple­ment new ideas.”


Auto­no­mous dri­ving in Berlin

Auto­no­mous dri­ving is also refer­red to as “The Next Big Thing” in mobi­li­ty and will play an important role in the trans­port sys­tem of the future. Trans­port cos­ts can be opti­mi­sed, emis­si­ons redu­ced and mobi­li­ty impro­ved for many people.

In Ber­lin, the use of auto­no­mous vehic­les is alre­a­dy being pre­pared at full speed. Tog­e­ther with the rese­arch pro­ject KIS’M, eMO, the Ber­lin Sena­te Depart­ment for Mobi­li­ty (Sen­UMVK) and BVG, a wide varie­ty of use cases and are­as of appli­ca­ti­on for this new tech­no­lo­gy will be dis­cus­sed at our transfer area ringberlin.

We ask our­sel­ves: Which poten­ti­al does auto­no­mous dri­ving have for ring­ber­lin and the dis­trict Mari­en­dorf (as a business loca­ti­on)? Whe­re is the use of auto­no­mous vehic­les sen­si­ble and purposeful?

DB Schen­ker is laun­ching the first hydro­gen truck in Germany

M2G part­ner DB Schen­ker is the first logi­stics ser­vice pro­vi­der in Ger­ma­ny to ope­ra­te a fuel cell vehic­le in the 40-ton­ne class. This tri­al pha­se is being sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly eva­lua­ted by the TU Ber­lin as part of Mobility2Grid with an accom­pany­ing stu­dy. The aim is to quan­ti­fy the useful­ness of the tech­no­lo­gy and to use the data obtai­ned for a poten­ti­al ana­ly­sis in rela­ti­on to the enti­re fleet. The aim of this stu­dy is to ans­wer the ques­ti­on of the tech­ni­cal and eco­no­mic fea­si­bi­li­ty of ope­ra­ting the DB rou­te network with fuel cell elec­tric vehic­les, and to quan­ti­fy the CO2 savings poten­ti­al. In doing so, a com­pa­ri­son with the com­pe­ting tech­no­lo­gi­cal alter­na­ti­ve, the purely elec­tric vehic­les, should always be made in order to be able to pro­vi­de a dif­fe­ren­tia­ted basis for decision-making.

The sta­te-of-the-art Hyzon trac­tor unit with fuel cell tech­no­lo­gy has the best pre­re­qui­si­tes for relia­ble ope­ra­ti­on on the cho­sen rou­te. The ran­ge is around 400 kilo­me­t­res, and at the same time the maxi­mum pay­load is hig­her than with pure e‑trucks. Ano­ther major advan­ta­ge of hydro­gen tech­no­lo­gy in ever­y­day use is the fast refuel­ling pro­cess of about 15 minutes.

Media cont­act DB Schen­ker
Ben­ja­min From­men
Schen­ker Euro­pe GmbH
Tel: +49 1523 314 18 97

Rese­arch Cam­pus FEN: Event FENomenal

The Rese­arch Cam­pus Fle­xi­ble Elec­tri­cal Net­works (FEN) con­ducts rese­arch on the deve­lo­p­ment of a fle­xi­ble power grid that will, among other things, gua­ran­tee ener­gy sup­p­ly with a high share of decen­tra­li­zed and rene­wa­ble ener­gy sources(https://www.fenaachen.net/vision).

The rese­arch cam­pus orga­ni­zes onlinelec­tures, the so-cal­led “FEN­ome­nal Fri­day“events, on issues from this rese­arch field, some of which are open to the public. They are aimed at both experts and inte­res­ted mem­bers of the public.

The next lec­tu­re will take place on 24.02.2023

Time: 10.00 — 11.00 a.m.

Topic: HV AC&DC Cable systems

1. Cable and Cable systems

2. Design and Cable production

3. Cable sys­tem qualification


Dr. rer. nat. Vol­ker Waschk, Con­sul­tant High Vol­ta­ge and Extra­Vol­ta­ge Cable sys­tems — NKT


Paths to the com­ple­te elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of Ber­lin’s bus fleets

Forschungsprojekt E-Bus 2030+
(CC BY-SA) Lud­ger Heide

By 2030, the enti­re bus fleet of the Ber­lin Trans­port Aut­ho­ri­ty (BVG) is to be elec­tric and local­ly emis­si­on-free. The dif­fe­rent vehic­le types and char­ging tech­no­lo­gies result in com­plex requi­re­ments for this pro­ject: From the pro­cu­re­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the vehic­les to the ope­ra­tio­nal plan­ning, the elec­tric bus sys­tem must be stra­te­gi­cal­ly thought through and adapt­ed to the urban con­di­ti­ons of Ber­lin. With the help of sce­na­rio tech­no­lo­gy and detail­ed simu­la­ti­ons, the depen­den­ci­es of tech­no­lo­gy, line ope­ra­ti­on and depot with the use of rene­wa­ble ener­gies are being con­side­red and opti­mi­sed in the E‑bus 2030+ rese­arch pro­ject. Soft­ware tools like eFLIPS ori­gi­na­ting from the first fun­ding pha­se of Mobility2Grid are in use here. The Fede­ral Minis­try of Digi­tal Affairs and Trans­port is fun­ding the “E‑Bus 2030+” pro­ject with a total of 1.38 mil­li­on euros:



Dr.-Ing. Enri­co Lauth, head of work packa­ge 2 “Auto­ma­ted Dri­ving and Char­ging” in the Mobility2Grid rese­arch cam­pus, is respon­si­ble for syn­er­gies with Mobility2Grid in terms of content.

Online book launch “Free Street Mani­feso” on Janu­ary 19, 2023, 7 p.m.

The paper pla­nes e.V., the Ber­lin Social Sci­ence Cen­ter WZB and the Depart­ment of Work/Technology and Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin have deve­lo­ped the “Mani­fest der frei­en Stra­ße“ – “Free Street Mani­festo”. The Mani­festo was deve­lo­ped as part of the pro­ject “Ver­kehrs­wen­de erle­ben” fun­ded by Stif­tung Mer­ca­tor and is alre­a­dy available online at www.strassen-befreien.de and now also being published as a Ger­man and Eng­lish book edi­ti­on by Jovis-Ver­lag. The mani­festo can be con­sul­ted for inspi­ra­tio­nal and scientific advice when a depar­tu­re from the dog­ma of the car-fri­end­ly city is pending.

On Thurs­day, Janu­ary 19, 2023, this occa­si­on will be cele­bra­ted in Sankt Ober­holz on Rosen­tha­ler Platz. From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the­re will be a live Inter­net broad­cast of the book launch, inclu­ding the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the mani­festo (digi­tal­ly and on site). You are cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te digi­tal­ly in this event. You can regis­ter for this using the fol­lo­wing link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/489410699577

Plan­ning basis for elec­tric bus depots: Out­stan­ding doc­to­ra­te by Dr.-Ing. Enri­co Lauth

Copy­right Enri­co Lauth

Dr.-Ing. Enri­co Lau­th’s dis­ser­ta­ti­on under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Diet­mar Göh­lich on “Simu­la­ti­on-based plan­ning and eva­lua­ti­on of depots for elec­tric buses” would not have been pos­si­ble wit­hout sup­port from the Fede­ral Minis­try of Edu­ca­ti­on and Rese­arch for Mobility2Grid rese­arch cam­pus. As part of his rese­arch acti­vi­ties for Mobility2Grid at TU Ber­lin, Mr Lauth has been working on the plan­ning and eva­lua­ti­on of depots for elec­tric buses and has been award­ed the Man­fred Hirsch­vo­gel Pri­ze for his out­stan­ding scientific work. The pri­ze, which is endo­wed with 5,000 euros, is award­ed by the Frank Hirsch­vo­gel Foun­da­ti­on, which hono­urs the best doc­to­ra­te in the field of mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring at each TU9 uni­ver­si­ty every year.

Curr­ent­ly, trans­port com­pa­nies are caught bet­ween the con­flic­ting demands of a rapid intro­duc­tion of emis­si­on-free city buses to achie­ve envi­ron­men­tal and cli­ma­te poli­cy goals, the simul­ta­neous rea­li­sa­ti­on of the neces­sa­ry infra­struc­tu­re and the con­ver­si­on of ope­ra­ting pro­ces­ses. Fur­ther­mo­re, the influen­cing fac­tors and effects of the new tech­no­lo­gies on the sys­tem design, espe­ci­al­ly of the bus depots, are still unclear in many aspects. The­r­e­fo­re, Enri­co Lauth deve­lo­ped a metho­do­lo­gy for simu­la­ti­on-based plan­ning and eva­lua­ti­on of depots for elec­tric buses in his dis­ser­ta­ti­on and appli­ed it in a real case stu­dy. In order to pro­vi­de trans­port com­pa­nies with a future-pro­of plan­ning basis, detail­ed, indi­vi­du­al inves­ti­ga­ti­ons of pos­si­ble sce­na­ri­os for an elec­tric depot are neces­sa­ry, sin­ce, among other things, the­re are clo­se inter­ac­tions bet­ween depot ope­ra­ti­on, vehic­le sche­du­ling and char­ging strategies.



Ener­gy Mas­ters and Alums Con­fe­rence 2022

Call for Appli­ca­ti­on Inter­na­tio­nal Alum­ni Work­shop #HackY­our­Dis­trict

#HackY­our­Dis­trict: Digi­tal Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for Zero Car­bon and Inclu­si­ve Cities

taking place in Ber­lin from 5th to 9th Decem­ber 2022.

About the workshop 

The work­shop #HackY­our­Dis­trict fos­ters the mee­ting and exch­an­ge of prac­ti­ces in zero-emis­si­on and social inclu­si­ve dis­trict plan­ning. Based on expe­ri­en­ces in Euro­pe and Tai­wan, we intend to faci­li­ta­te the exch­an­ge of know­ledge and les­sons lear­ned from digi­tal tools (apps, plat­forms, open data and open soft­ware) that enable city-makers to initia­te impacts. During one-week work­shops, which will take place from 5th until 9th Decem­ber 2022 in Ber­lin and from 4th until 8th Decem­ber 2023 in Tai­pei, alum­ni will joint­ly deve­lop ide­as and tools that they will later feed into their work. We invi­te you to share your latest ide­as and pro­jects and exch­an­ge know­ledge on digi­tal city-making.


Dead­line for sub­mis­si­ons: 15 July 2022 

The work­shop will be held at the EUREF Cam­pus and at TU Ber­lin. The work­shop lan­guage is English. 

Urban Ener­gy & Mobi­li­ty Forum 2022

Mobi­li­ty Data for a sus­tainable trans­port tran­si­ti­on: Net­wor­king Event

When? Wed­nes­day, 18.May 2022 04:00–6pm
Whe­re? The Dri­very — Han­gar 18, Mari­en­dor­fer Damm 1, 12099 Ber­lin
Regis­ter here
Look for­ward to exci­ting dis­cus­sions on the main #urban chal­lenges and the cur­rent solu­ti­ons of the mobi­li­ty sec­tor with a focus on the oppor­tu­ni­ties and obs­ta­cles of #mobi­li­ty #data for a sus­tainable trans­port transition.

Meet some of the newest and most exci­ting minds of the mobi­li­ty sec­tor in Ber­lin at our speed #pit­ching ses­si­on. Get to know your #peers in our net­wor­king 🎉 ses­si­on after the event.